Friday, September 4, 2009

14 Weeks....

We had quite a scare. I can safely say everything with our lil babe is ok. I had some bleeding and went to the hospital to get everything checked out. The whole time in the waiting room I could not stop shaking. I kept praying and begging God that everything would be ok. I tried keeping positive thoughts in my head. Not thinking about the worst but bracing myself for it just in case. The only one keeping me calm was Joe. We went through all of the steps. After everything I was finally off to get an ultrasould. It felt like a ton of bricks lifted off of my chest once we saw our lil babe moving across the screen. Joe let out a huge sign of relief. We couldn't stop staring at our precious lil babe. I let out tears of joy knowing that our lil babe looked safe. We were able to get some great pictures and off we went. Happy as can be!

I was a little bothered by the ultrasound tech. She asked me what number pregnancy this was. I said my second. She then asked what I had at home, I responded with "I had a daughter" She then rudely turned to me and said "had, what you mean had" Really? She heard what I said. That means I don't have my babygirl with me. What a stupid ignorant person. I continued to tell her what happened to my Mila. All she could say was sorry, but I know she wasn't.

She did give us a guess of what she thinks we're having. But I won't tell until I know for sure. Just 3 more weeks. Can't wait.

According to

You are now in your second trimester! Your baby's crown to rump length is 3.2 to 4.5 inches long and he weighs approximately 1 ounce now. Your baby is about the size of the average fist. At this time, your baby's face is becoming more developed. The cheeks and bridge of his nose appear and the ears move from the sides of his neck to much higher on his head. The eyes continue to come closer together. A big development from this week onward is the development of lanugo. Lanugo is the fine hair that grows over almost your entire baby. The hairs grow in whirled patterns that follow the grain of his skin. These patterns later give way to your baby's fingerprints. The lanugo will be shed before birth and replaced by thicker, coarser hairs. Your baby's thyroid gland has matured and starts to produce hormones. If your baby is a boy, the prostate will appear and the ovaries descend from the abdomen into the pelvis in baby girls. The embryo`s soft cartilage is now being replaced with ` real` chalk bones. Your baby has eyebrows, but no eyelashes. Fine, light hair also begins to grow.

~Tomorrow we start week 15

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, that ultrasound tech would have been punched in the face if it was me on that table! (Sorry, my early pregnancy hormones are making me crazy.)
    I'm glad to hear that your little one is safe and sound!
