Friday, September 11, 2009

15 Weeks....

It was a short work week and so this week just flew right by. I had a doc appointment on Tuesday and everything went great. It was a follow up from the ER visit. My doctor checked my cervix and everything looked great. The bleeding is a mystery I guess. She assured me that it happens sometimes and not seeing it again is a good thing. I feel I bit more relaxed. She brought out the doppler and got the baby's heart beat right away. 145! I sounded beautiful. Then doctor G came in to say hi and to chat for a little bit. They are such nice doctors! I love them. I had some bloodwork done and off I went. The big ultrasound is in 2 weeks from today. Can't wait!

I have been feeling the "flutters" more and more each day. It's only a matter of time before this lil babe starts beating me up so daddy could feel. =) My belly is getting a little bit bigger so it might be time to let the rest of the people that don't already that I am pregnant. I can still hide it pretty well so we'll just have to wait and see what my mood is.

According to

Your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 4 inches and she now weighs approximately 1.75 ounces. Your baby is close to the size of a softball. Your baby is growing at an amazing rate and looking more like a human every day. Because your baby's skin is so thin, you are able to see blood vessels through the skin. Lanugo hair covers your baby's body, but it will be gone when your baby is born. The hair on the eyebrows and head continues to grow. Some babies are born with little or no hair and others have a head full of hair! If you have an ultrasound at this point, you might be able to see your baby sucking its thumb. Even though the eyes continue to move to the front of the face, they are still widely separated. Your baby's ears look like normal ears and continue to develop externally. The bones that have already formed continue to get harder and retain calcium. The baby is very mobile and flexible at this point. She can bend her arms at the elbows and wrists and she can also make a fist with her hands.

~Tomorrow we start week 16

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